Different Types of Hoop Earrings


Hoop earrings are one such classic accessories item that never goes out of style. They’ve been popular ever since the 60s and they continue to be a favorite for most people.

They are extremely light in weight and instantly dress up even the simplest of outfits. Throughout history, they’ve been worn as a symbol of social status and power by monarchs and their queens. 


While hoop earrings have continued to exist for ages and have evolved into different styles. You’d find hoop earrings to suit everyone’s preferences. Here are the different kind of hoop earrings you could choose from:

·         Small Hoops for Office, Big Hoops for Day-outs: Since Hoops are available in different sizes, you have the liberty to choose which fits your purpose the best. If you are looking for a pair to wear to your office or any formal event, you would want to choose something that is small in size and looks chic and sophisticated.
On the other hand, if you are looking for something to wear on for a day-out or to parties, go for a bold big pair of sterling silver hoops. They will call for more attention towards your face and help you stand out in the crowd.

·         Textured Hoops: Hoops have evolved to now feature designs, patterns and ridges in them. You can even find hoop earrings with charm. These are not like the classic simple hoops. They help you make a style statement. If you are in for some fun and experiment, give these a shot. 



·         Stack Hoops: This is for the people who have multiple piercings in their ears. If you are bold and love experimenting with your style, go ahead and wear hoops of different sizes in each of your piercings to achieve a unique look. These are best for parties where you would love to have everyone’s attention.


Pick up a pair for yourself and make a statement with the evergreen hoops.


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