The expensive decorative hole

Cartilage ear piercing is done in the upper part of our external ear. It is a painful and a serious game as cartilage tissues are thick and hard and therefore creates discomfort while the piercing is done. It hurts and cause pain. Probability of getting infected cannot be waved off. That is why this kind of piercing should be done only by well-trained experienced and technically sound personnel and in a specialized clinic. Pain after the cartilage piercing is done is commonly found to last for at least two weeks. There can also be an issue with the cartilage overgrowth. Care has to be taken while sleeping as it can instigate complication for healing. If not taken proper care, this cartilage piercing could also lead to cosmetic deformity. We should enquire and understand a few points before going for cartilage ear piercing . These queries should answer the extent of pain we have to sustain, the period of sustenance, how to nurse the piercing point, what is the best w...