The popular earrings that add glamour to your face without extra make-up

Do you know about the magical effect that gold stud earrings can do in a moment? It can give you an extraordinary look without any effort. Gold stud earrings are small ear accessories. The specialty or the beauty of this earring is that it gives a floating appearance to the ear. A stud is a small object that protrudes from something. It can be worn easily by slowly twisting the pointed part into the earlobe hole. You may need to give a little effort primarily to find the hole but as you get it you may slide the end into the earlobe easily. Then you need to push and set it properly until the stud looks steady in its position. The stud hugs the ear and gives a floating appearance since one cannot find the connection part. Studs are easy-to-style earrings and comfortable to wear. Gold studs are commonly used and preferred as there less probability of getting allergic. The delicate design of these stud earrings made them popular and special....